Lisa Bain
Assistant Principal
Ever seeking the next great adventure in my life, it is hard to contain my excitement as I join the Renaissance Secondary community. My commitment to the mission of Renaissance is more than theoretical; it is who I am. I have lived my life in awe of the beauty and the wonder of the world, and I have spent my career creating learning experiences that provide opportunities to share this vision with others.
With nearly two decades of experience as a progressive educator, including thirteen years as a sixth grade teacher at Renaissance Elementary, it has been my life's work to create deeply meaningful, engaging, and authentic learning experiences for students. I believe that education at its best, inspires and employs students in work that matters to the world and provides for them a sense of significance and usefulness.
By extension, I am deeply committed to Adventure Education. Having experienced countless trips with students, I know the powerful metaphor for learning that comes from overcoming obstacles, developing resilience, and fostering a sense of belonging in the outdoors. As Kurt Hahn said, "There is more to us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less."
Along with completing a fifth year teacher education program in inner-city Los Angeles, I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a master’s degree in K-8 Inquiry-Based Science Education from Lesley University. Although I enjoy science, inquiry is my approach in all areas of education. I believe deeply in teaching people to think for themselves. Most recently, after noticing that my vision had become broader than my classroom, I acquired an administrative license from Colorado State University. I am eager to contribute to and support the visionary work of the Renaissance Secondary community.
My two children, ages 24 and 18, are both Renaissance Elementary alumni. One of my favorite things in the whole world is listening to the two of them play guitar and sing together. They are wonderfully compassionate, creative individuals. I will soon be married (summer 2020) to the love of my life, an inspiring educator who is also an integral part of a progressive PreK-12 school. We share a vision of humanity and what schools can be for individuals, their communities, and the world. We love spending time outdoors, having never-ending conversations, cooking, gardening, traveling, reading, mountain biking, skiing, backpacking, swimming in mountain lakes, and spending time with family and friends. From the time I was small my mom has repeatedly said, “There will never be enough hours in the day for Lisa to do everything she wants to do.” It’s true – and as a result, the above list will no doubt continue to grow :)